E-Classroom E-Grades Slovensko English

Welcome to Slovenia!

A small country in Central Europe that includes within its borders alpine mountains, dense forests, historic cities, and a short Adriatic coast.




The modalities and conditions for entering the Republic of Slovenia (RS) vary depending on whether you are a citizen of a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA; EEA Member States are the Member States of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) or Switzerland, or a third-country national (all other states).

More here:
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Study in Slovenia 




The most beautiful town in the interior of Slovenia has been for centuries the centre of administrative, cultural, religious and economic life in Dolenjska – and a unique landscape in the south of the country. Surrounded by vineyards, in the shelter of the Krka Valley, the town hides an amazing archaeological heritage. On the slopes of the city you can visit traditional events, picturesque churches, monasteries, museums and galleries.

More here: https://www.novomesto.si/en/   



Železniška postaja Novo mesto, Kolodvorska ulica, Novo mesto
E-mail: potnik.info (at) slo-zeleznice.si
Website: http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/en/passengers/slovenia 


Avtobusna postaja Novo mesto, Topliška cesta 1, Novo mesto
Website: https://arriva.si/en/
E-mail: info (at) arriva.si 


Aerodrom Ljubljana, Brnik 130a, 4210 Brnik (98 km from Novo mesto)
E-mail: info (at) fraport-slovenija.si
Website: https://www.lju-airport.si/en/

Zagreb International Airport Jsc. / PLESO (77 km from Novo mesto)
Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 1, 10150, Zagreb 
E-mail: headoffice (at) mzlz-zagreb-airport.hr
Website: http://www.zagreb-airport.hr/

Transport around Novo mesto

Timetables for public transport for inter-town transportation in Novo mesto

Close to the Faculty is also a train station. More here.



Cost of living

Approximate cost of living per month is €400. Average prices for Novo mesto and Slovenia can be found on the links here:


Dijaški in študentski dom Novo mesto (Student dorm)

Address: Šegova ulica 115, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Website: https://www.dijaskidom.org/
E-mail: natasa.kokol (at) guest.arnes.si

Hostel Situla 

Address: Dilančeva 1, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Website: http://nova.situla.si/
E-mail: situla (at) situla.si


Pursuant to the Subsidized Student Meals Act, the Slovenian Student Union (ESS) implements a system of subsidized student meals. More here.

Medical facilities

Health Centre Novo mesto, Kandijska cesta 4, +386 (0)7 391 67 00

Health Centre Novo mesto can be found near Novo mesto General Hospital and the new bridge over the river Krka. Health Centre Novo mesto is a public institution providing health care services and foster important preventive health activities. More here.

Facilities for special needs students

Accomodations will be made for special needs students. Please provide the Faculty of Organisation Studies the information about your special needs (wheelchair accessibility, front row seating, etc) and we will provide it for you before your arrival.


Students from EU and European economic region countries should have the E 128 form, E 111 form or E-card. You should contact the authorized insurance agency where you are insured and ask for one of the abovementioned forms.

If you have no health insurance in your home country, contact the insurance company that can cover your insurance in Slovenia: http://www.coris.si/ 

During a temporary stay in Slovenia, insured citizens will be able to claim medical services in public health institutions on the basis of the European health insurance card. Medical services may only be claimed on the primary level in health centres. In case of medical problems, it is best to go to the Student Health Facility (at Zdravstveni dom Novo mesto) Kandijska cesta 4, 8000 Novo mesto.

Student from NON-EU countries bring your insurance policy papers with you.

If you have no health insurance in your home country, contact the insurance company that can cover your insurance in Slovenia:  http://www.coris.si/


Langugage courses

Language courses are available at the Private Language School Yurena. In addition, contact your higher education institution before departure for OLS training or the Center for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes offers intensive language courses. More here.


Work opportunities for students

Slovenian and foreign students also have the opportunity to work through Student Services and can earn some additonal money for their exppenses.


Contact at the Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto:

E-mail: erasmus (at) fos-unm.si

Telephone: +386 (0)59 082 060


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