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FOS successfully re-certified by Bureau Veritas

After last year's re-certification of Faculty of Organisation studies in Novo mesto according to the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, on the November 18th 2015, we hosted the control audit from Bureau Veritas auditors, Mr. Ivan Črv and Mr. Miran Gašper. They performed control audit and established that FOŠ system of management is in the line with the requirements of both ISO standards. The system of management is, according to the audit, implemented in the way that enables realisation of FOŠ vision and goals.

The control audit was used also as the opportunity to search for further improvements and rationalisation of the processes. By the next audit in November 2016 faculty will include the requirements of novel of the ISO 9001:2015 standard in its processes. Special attention will be paid to the development of unification of the model for operative risks analysis. Within this process we will invite also our students to participate with their final thesis connected to the topic.

‹ Nazaj