E-Classroom E-Grades Slovensko English

JUE - Journal of Universal Excellence,
December 2015, vol. 4, no. 4

Click on picture for full issue acces.


Table of Content


Tanja Balažic Peček
The spiral of life as a phenomenon of conscious creation

Maja Pungeršek, Matjaž Maletič, Jana Suklan, Maja Meško
Leadership and implementation of the EFQM excellence model in Slovenian higher education

Tomaž Savšek, Igor Makovec, Mitja Cerovšek
Transdisciplinary product development

Petra Povše
Usmerjenost v samopreseganje in dosežke - vodenje samega sebe

Sandra Majer
Lifelong Learning in the third age

 Anita Skubic
Družbeno odgovorno poslanstvo Arheološkega parka Marof

Vesna Škedelj
Aspects of ethical business

Tjaša Škoda
Vzgoja, izobraževanje in vseživljenjsko učenje - vzgojni pristopi

Sonja Zlobko
Preschool education on its way to excellence



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