E-Classroom E-Grades Slovensko English


Alois Paulin Beyond e-Government: Toward the Ecosystem Abstract
Anna Kołomycew Social enterprises as a new actor of public services delivery system Abstract
Anna Pieta-Szawara Immigrant women in Poland at the beginning of XXI century. Integration or alienation? Abstract
Bilgesu Şatır Humanitarian Aid in Turkey: Instability of the Human Environment Abstract
Boguslaw Kotarba Political consequences of the school network rationalization in Polish municipalities Abstract
Karolina Musilová Application of postmaterial cleavages at the subnational level Abstract
Ondřej Klapal What do parties share on Facebook? Comparison of Czech and Polish political parties` posts before the last two parliamentary elections Abstract
Patricia Kaplanova Is the European Union an effective global crisis manager? Abstract
Uroš Pinterič Non-conscious society: are we fit for the technology Abstract
Vasja Roblek, Zlata Meško Štok, Maja Meško The complexity view on influence of the social and economic environment to the organizational challenges in 21 centuries Abstract