Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto organizes 6th annual Governance in (post)transition conference that will take place between 30. and 31. March 2017 in hotel Šport Otočec. Topic of 2017 conference is “Social illusion of the functionality”The 2017 GPT conference violently breaks up with the previous tradition and is trying to address the systematic decline of classic categories, while maintaining the illusion that nothing changed. At all levels we need to start and never to stop questioning the concepts which are offered as predominant order of the society. This does not mean that the change shall be automatically rejected, but it calls for attention to (re)evaluate changes. Europe accepted in last few months over 1,5 mio migrants, and EU is trying to normalize the fact, the Brexit is hidden from the general debate, despite it contributes to the stability of the whole region, the raise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders (no matter their final results), is clear message of the need for different understanding of the economy, which is in any case able to gain more attention than ever. Last but not least, also Slovenia is facing turbulent period of showing the long-term obvious fact that changing the players, does not change the game. In this perspective 2017 GPT conference shall be the academic forum, offering different views on the contemporary reality, questioning the concepts, understanding of them and the relation between the intentions and reality. Faculty of Organisation studies in Novo mesto in this manner encourages presentation of welcomes papers covering following topics (papers with other scopes of interests are welcome as well): Social entrepreneurship - different realities Social entrepreneurship is, according to the legal definition rather understandable term, which facilitates economic activities in the field where classical economy fails. However, in many cases it is visible how it is becoming economically advanced form of NGO's with better defined structure and better control of the government. At the same time it can be considered also by-pass for increasing the employment rates among the categories of people who are discriminated in classical labour market. Refugees, migrants, economic demography and "new" European labour market Recent months the wave of refugees and migrants entered the Europe. No matter what is their legal status, despite it differs, they have certain capacity not only to weaken the state due to additional budgetary expenses but also to reshape the labour market. The paper givers in this panel will try explain the potential economic influence of new potential workers to the labour market in Europe. Socio-linguistics in ideological perspective Papers in this panel will address the question of reshaping of our reality by the discourse. Modern world uses different expressions to describe situations, and by doing so it co-creates that reality. Lack of questioning different words and their original meaning reduces awareness of changed reality behind them as well as new words re-shape the importance certain realities. World ruled by technology Modern society is, due to development of different technologies, becoming technological society, which is not necessary also the information society. In any case the overflow of information is changing our daily life, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. From easier communication to technology addiction, from increased state control to innovative health solutions the life is not the same, and this should be main concentration of the papers in this panel. Development potential of the regions In the highly globalised world the classical territorial structures are losing their importance, global, macro and national regions are becoming more and more important frame of our daily life. Strong urbanisation changes the development potential of different territories. In the panel, we are welcoming the papers addressing development context of the regions, based on socio-demographic changes, increasing need for innovation and new forms of development, which can be understand not only as economic growth but as well increasing quality of life. Slovenia – future of yesterday Due to the more and more ongoing debates regarding the situation in Slovenia and its future, we consider of utmost importance that we start to pay systematic attention and reflection of the Slovenian situation. The title is trying to picture the Slovenian reality where most develop transition country missed its opportunity to keep leading position in the region and thus has to follow the lead of countries, which started their transition in much worse condition. This panel accepts critical analysis of the Slovenian past as well as options for the future. Papers in this panel shall avoid any political agitation. This panel shall pay does not exclude foreign paper givers, as long as they keep in line with the topic, and will be conducted in English language as all other panels. |
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