Forum of Excellence and Mastery
The Economic Association of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina have been organizing for the past two decades Forums of Excellence and Mastery. The current organizers of the Forum reached an agreement that efforts of the Forum have to be expanded into the academic environment. The Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto was honoured to receive the opportunity to become a co-organizer at the onset of the third decade of the Forum of Excellence and Mastery's activities.
The soi-disant "International Otočec Forum of Excellence and Mastery" has affirmed itself with new, innovative approaches, and investigations in professional, scientific, and public sectors that contribute towards efficient management, excellent business results, as well as excellence in life and work. Research always have been associated with how to improve quality of life. In this sense, a great emphasis has been placed on the symbiosis of economics and culture.
In the current period of accelerated globalization and excessively rapid changes in the area of science, a great deal of the time has been dedicated to the issue of an individual's friendly growth, development, and advancement. Throughout this period, there always was a thought that for successful management there also is a need for a vision of excellency and mastery, in addition to concrete steps for their implementation in practice.
In the twenty Proceedings that were published from the Forums, there were many of our and foreign top researchers and scientists, as well as practitioners that have summarized their thoughts on the most important questions of the present and the future, in addition to providing suggestions and instigators for promoting excellence and mastery.