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Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernizing Education, Training, and Youth work. The seven year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion; a 40% increase compared to current spending levels, reflecting the EU's commitment to investing in these areas.

Erasmus charter for higher education 2014 – 2020

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)

Erasmus student charter


Key Action 1

Each project can last either 16 or 24 months and HEIs can apply for funding to support any of the following mobility activities within a project:

Student Mobility

Students may undertake up to 12 months’ mobility in total per academic cycle (i.e. 12 months during their Bachelor degree, 12 months during their Master’s degree etc.). Each 12 month period can consist of any combination of eligible study and/or traineeship mobility’s. Additionally recent graduates may be supported to undertake a traineeship but they must be selected by their HEI during their last year of study and the traineeship must take place within 12 months of graduating. How to apply?

Staff Mobility

Funding can be used to support staff engaged in both HEI teaching and non-teaching roles. Staff mobility activities can last from 2 days to 2 months. Staff teaching as part of their mobility must complete a minimum of 8 hours’ teaching per week. How to apply >>

Our Partner Institutions:

Key Action 2

Strategic Partnerships offer the opportunity to organizations, as well as enterprises, public authorities to cooperate in order to implement innovative practices leading to high quality teaching, training, learning and youth work, institutional modernization and societal innovation.

Strategic Partnerships is part of the Key Action 2 "Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices" of Erasmus+. They aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at organizational, local, regional, national or European levels.

Conditions: 2- 3 years with a minimum of 3 HEIs from 3 different EU or Enlargement countries (with National Agency) and a minimum of 2 HEIs from each Partner Country involved in the project

Contact at the Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto:

Project and International Coordinator: Ms. Katja Kragelj Mikolič
E-mail: erasmus (at) fos-unm.si
Telephone: +386 (0)59 082 060

Accreditation reference: (2021)1530211-27/02/2021 



Previous Erasmus Programme (2007-2014)