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Analysis of the State of the Art on Work Well-being

As part of the WELLy project: Introducing the Job Profile of a Manager for Work Well-being to Prevent and Combat Work-related Stress, an analysis of the situation in the partner countries, the European Union and the USA was carried out, leading to a literature summary and a collection of company case studies. who used tools and rules to behave and ensure well-being in organizations. An empirical study was also conducted, the purpose of which is to obtain data directly from companies (employees and employers) and associations for the protection of workers' rights. Based on the mentioned activities, a scientific monograph entitled Analysis of the State of the Art on Work Well-being was prepared, which is available to you free of charge, in English on the WELLy project website - here.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

‹ Nazaj