Ceremonial Academy 2024
On Wednesday, December 18, we celebrated the event of the year, the Ceremonial Academy, which showcased the creative achievements of the past year.
The central part of the event was the awarding of diplomas to 40 graduates of 1st, 2nd and 3rd study level. We also announced the Team of Excellence for the 2023/2024 academic year, comprising the best students, teachers, employees, and external collaborators.
A special highlight of the event was the awarding of the title of Professor Emeritus to the previous dean, Prof. Dr. Boris Bukovec, who, with his many years of work and vision, has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Faculty and to strengthening its reputation in the academic community. On this occasion, we pleasantly surprised him by presenting the book Building Blocks of Excellence – the Life Work of Emeritus Professor Dr. Boris Bukovac, which, in addition to all his works, also contains his thoughts, efforts, and visions.
In a relaxed atmosphere, led by Ms. Irena Potočar Papež, we enjoyed her creative and engaging program, complemented by musical melodies performed by the skilled violinists of the Stretto ensemble, Nikola Semić and Aleksandar Vojneski. We also listened a speach of the dean, Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, and the guest of honor, Ms. Marta Kelvišar, Director of Adria Dom and Manager of the Year 2023.
We concluded the festive atmosphere with a pleasant gathering, which illuminated the end of 2024 in the most beautiful light.