Tatjana Dragovič, EdD, assistant professor
Office hours: by e-mail appointmen
E-mail: tatjana (at) humancc.org
Human Resource Management
Business Coaching
Leadership and Organisational Culture
Leadership Excellence
Learning Organizations and Knowledge Management
Seminar for Dissertation Proposal
Dr Tatjana Dragovič has obtained a master and Doctorate degree in Education (EdD) in Great Britain in the fields of adult education, knowledge transfer, professional identity and continuing professional development. Since 2007, she has been affiliated with the University of Cambridge, UK in teaching and researching roles in education, dialogic teaching, technology-enhanced teaching and learning, creativity, creative leadership, coaching and research methods for practice research. In addition, Dr Dragovic has also been teaching qualitative researh methods for doctoral (EdD) students and leading doctoral research community »Leadership, Educational Improvement and Development (LEID)« at University of Cambridge since 20015.
As a guest lecturer, she has taught at many international Universities e.g. at the University of Applied Sience in Oulu, Finland, at the Katarina Gurska Institute, Spain, at the Falmouth University, UK. As a researcher consultant at the Open University, UK, she has researched professional identity, possibility thinking and creativity. Along her academic carreer, Dr Dragovic has been an awarded and rennown international executive educator and coach in the field of leadership and managament for the last 20 years.
Research Profile
Her research iterest lies in the fields of ledership develoment, professional identity, dialogic approaches, creativity, possibility thinking, coaching, continuos improvement and professional development. Dr Dragovic is particulalry interested in testing theoretical models and conceots in business contexts in international corporations and/or public sector institutions. As a pricnipal investigator and a researcher, she has been involved in more than 10 international projects funded by EU or scientific research councils in the UK.
Bibliography (SICRIS)