E-Classroom E-Grades Slovensko English

Dr. Milan Simončič, assist. prof.
Milan Simončič

Office hours: by e-mail appointmen
E-mail: milan.simoncic (at) fos-unm.si


Change Management
Social Responsibility of Organizations


Milan Simončič graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Maribor, Chemical Technology program. At the Faculty of Organization Studies in Novi mesto, he obtained the title of Master and Doctor of Science in the field of quality management. At the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, where he is employed, he heads the Chemistry organizational unit, which is responsible for the chemical program of the nuclear power plant's systems, management of radioactive waste, decontamination and control of dangerous chemicals.

Research Profile

His research interests include the study of the concept of social responsibility, the challenges of organizational excellence, opportunities for energy in a sustainable society, quality management systems and the chemistry of water media in nuclear power plants.

Bibliography (SICRIS)

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