Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Professor
Email: a.zoran(at)
- Ddr. Marija Ovsenik, Emeritus Professor
- Dr. Boris Bukovec, Professor
- Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Professor
- Dr. Mirko Markič, Professor
- Dr. Andrej Dobrovoljc, Asoc. Prof.
- Dr. Franc Brcar, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Magda Lužar, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Nadia Molek, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Milan Simončič, Assist. Prof.
- Nastja Pevec
- Simona Martinšek
- Adrianna Grčar
Senate Sessions:
- 2024-10-24
- 2024-11-28
- 2024-12-12
- 2025-02-27
- 2025-03-27
- 2025-04-24
- 2025-05-15
- 2025-06-19
- 2025-07-10
- 2025-09-25
Senate Committees:
- Student and Study Affairs Committee
Dr. Magda Lužar, Assist. Prof.
Dr. Milan Simončič, Assist. Prof.
Jovana Bjelošević
- Scientific Research Committee
Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Prof.
Dr. Boris Bukovec, Prof.
Dr. Mirko Markič, Prof.
- Committe for Promotions
Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Prof.
Dr. Boris Bukovec, Prof.
Dr. Mirko Markič, Prof.
- Quality Assurance and Evalvation Committee
Matej Klasinc, lecturer
Ema Husič
Urška Metelko
Urška Šuštarič
Zdenka Bajuk
- Committe for Publishing Activities
Dr. Boris Bukovec, Prof.
Dr. Franc Brcar, Assist. Prof.
Vesna Grabnar, bibl.
- Committe for Academic Excelece
Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Prof.
Dr. Boris Bukovec, Prof.
Dr. Mirko Markič Prof.
Jerneja Šurla Gašperšič
Nastja Pevec
- Department for Quality Management
Chair: Dr. Štefan Ivanko, Emeritus Professor
Governance Board
- prof. dr. Boris Bukovec, Emiratus Professor (predsident)
- Darja Judež (vice-president)
- doc. dr. Tatjana Mlakar
- Peter Gorenc
- Roman Kapš
- Dr. Katja Grgič
- Marta Kelvišar
- Nastja Pevec
- Vesna Grabnar
Faculty Assembly 2024/2025:
- Ddr. Marija Ovsenik, Emeritus Professor
- Dr. Boris Bukovec, Prof.
- Dr. Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Prof.
- Dr. Mirko Markič, Prof.
- Dr. Andrej Dobrovoljc, Assoc. Prof
- Dr. Armand Faganel, Assoc. Prof.
- Dr. Tatjana Dragovič, Assoc. Prof.
- Dr. Franc Brcar, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Matej Jevšček, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Božidar Lenarčič, Assoc. Prof.
- Dr. Magda Lužar, Assist. Prof
- Dr. Tatjana Mlakar, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Nadia Molek, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Milan Simončič, Assist. Prof.
- Dr. Beti Godnič, Senior Lecturer
- Iris Fink Grubačević, MSc, Senior Lecturer
- Irena Potočar Papež, Senior Lecturer
- Branka Bradica, Lecturer
- Matej Klasinc, Lecturer
- Mihaela Pečnik, Lecturer
- Jerneja Šurla Gašperšič, Lecturer
- Janja Umek, Lecturer
- Vesna Grabnar, bibl.
- Nastja Pevec (predstavnica študentov)
- Simona Martinšek (student)
- Adrianna Grčar (student)
- Tomaž Zoran (student)
- Urška Šuštarič (student)
- Miroslav Mišić (student)
- Jovana Bjelošević (student)
Student Council:
- Nastja Pevec
- Simona Martinšek
- Adrianna Grčar
- Tomaž Zoran
- Urška Šuštarič
- Miroslav Mišić
- Jovana Bjelošević
Strategic Council:
- prof. Dr (PhD, ZDA) Annamarie Gorenc Zoran (dean)
- Jerneja Šurla Gašperšič, pred. (vice-dean)
- zasl. prof. dr. Boris Bukovec (president of governance board)
- doc. dr. Marta Kavšek (president of Alumni club)
- Nastja Pevec (president of student council)
- Marta Kelvišar (industry representative)
- Peter Gorenc (industry representative)
- Tomaž Kordiš (public sector representative)
- doc. dr. Tatjana Mlakar (public sector representative)
- dr. Mari Božič (industry representative)
Institute for Organisational Studies:
- Head of the Institute: Dr Annmarie Gorenc Zoran, Prof.
General Secretary
Jerneja Šurla Gašperšič
Email: jerneja.surla(at)
Phone: +386 5 908 20 60
Joint Affairs Office:
Ema Husič
Email: ema.husic(at)
Phone: +386 5 907 41 64
Student Affairs Office:
Urška Metelko
Email: urska.metelko(at)
Phone: +386 5 907 41 64
International and Project Office:
Katja Kragelj Mikolič
Phone: +386 5 908 20 60
Lina Čop
Email: lina.cop(at)
Phone: +386 5 908 20 60
Lejla Imamović Lerić
E-mail: lejla.imamovic.leric(at)
Phone: +386 5 908 20 60
Vesna Grabnar
Email: vesna.grabnar(at)
Phone: +386 5 907 41 64