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Panel of experts:
 Looking into the Future of Leadership

On November 17, 2021, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the Faculty of Organizational Studies (FOŠ) hosted a virtual event, "Looking into the Future of Leadership." The conference was led by Dr. Tatjana Dragovič Andersen (EdD, UK), who leads a PhD group in leadership at the College of Cambridge, UK, and is the first and only coach in Slovenia with a Master Certified Coach (MCC) accreditation from the International Coaching Federation, USA. She teaches Excellence in Leadership, Coaching in Organizations and Leadership and Organizational Culture at the Faculty of Organizational Studies in Novo mesto and is also a recognized and rewarded trainer in international companies in the field of leadership development.

The panellists of the virtual event were both domestic and foreign experts in the field of management: Gregor Sepaher, Director of the Development and Education Center Novo mesto, Sandra Stewart, coach since 1999 with MCC (Master Certified Coach) accreditation at the International Federation for Coaching (International Coaching Federation), USA, Mojca Novak, Executive Director of Human Resources and Organization at Adria Mobil, d. o. o., Sonja Gole, General Director of Adria Mobil, d. o. o., Dr. Tatjana Mlakar, General Director of the Slovenian Health Insurance Institute, and Steven Day, PhD candidate in Sustainable Education at the College of Cambridge in the UK and Director of Smart Energy, UK. The discussion was conducted in Slovenian, with occasional summaries in English for foreign speakers and summaries in Slovenian when foreign speakers spoke.

The main questions raised by the panellists at the virtual event were: What changes have leaders experienced in their leadership during COVID, what changes will they experience in the period after COVID, what characteristics of the leadership process will be most important for leadership in the period "after COVID", what characteristics of leadership will be most sought after in recruiting leaders in the period "after COVID", and how do these characteristics differ from (or resemble) the characteristics sought for leadership candidates in the period before COVID.

The virtual event included the official opening of the International Transdisciplinary Research Center for Leadership Excellence and Development - LEAD (ITRC LEAD) at the Faculty of Organizational Studies in Novo mesto. ITRC LEAD intends to promote excellence in research and teaching in the field of leadership. The vision of ITRC LEAD is to become a leading center in the next five years by upgrading study programs and existing forms of education, attracting outstanding experts from domestic and foreign institutions, conducting important research projects in the field of leadership excellence, and contributing to high-profile scientific publications in prestigious international journals. Research Center for Leadership Excellence in Slovenia and in ten years to wider recognition in Europe. You can learn more about the Center by clicking on the link.
