Instructions for Contributors
Send a short, structured abstract with a short biography to no later than 3. 11. 2023. Contributors will be notified of acceptance by 14. 11. 2023.
The abstracts from the conference will be published in the Collection of the papers SOCIAL 2023. The best authors of the abstracts will be invited to publish full texts as original scientific articles 1.01, in the Journal for Universal Excellence - RUO (Indexed: dLib, DOAJ, BOAI, EconBiz, ERIH plus, EBSCO, Google scholar, J-Gate, MIAR, ProQuest - CSA Sociological Abstracts, WorldCat (OCLC)); Challenges of the Future - IP (Indexed: dLib, DOAJ, EBSCO, Google scholar, MIAR); Comparative Law Review (Indexed: SCOPUS, Index Copernicus Journals Master List, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, DOAJ, Google scholar); Studia Iuridica Toruniensia (Indexed: Index Copernicus Journals Master List, ERIH PLUS, POL-index, Google Scholar, SHERPA/RoMEO) and Acta Iuris Stetinensis (Indexed: BazHum, CEEOL, CEJSH, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, IndexCopernicus, PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, Arianta – Naukowe i Branżowe Polskie Czasopisma Elektroniczne, GoogleScholar, MS&HE (Poland), MIAR). All submissions will undergo a usual peer-review procedure.