E-učilnica E-indeks Slovensko English

RUO - Revija za univerzalno odličnost,
december 2014, letnik 3, številka 4


Za dostop do celotne revije kliknite sliko.



Jasna Lavrenčič, Boris Bukovec, Damir Karpljuk, Maja Meško
Burnout and lifestyle of principals and entrepreneurs


Anna Gąsior-Niemiec, Agnieszka Pawłowska
Local self-government as an architect of coalitions for local development

Bogusław Kotarba, Anna Kołomycew
Financial independence of local government units in Poland 

Franc Žohar
Possibilities to reform the system of municipalities in Slovenia

Martin Švikruha, Jaroslav Mihálik
The more the merrier? Strengthening the role of regional governance over the fragmented municipal political system






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